Time Stops for the HR Bitch

Time Stops for the HR Bitch
October 29, 2021 Adelaide

‘Even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day’, a favourite line from that cult movie (Withnail and I).

It’s apt this week, as the clocks are going back, days will become shorter, winter draws closer. On the plus side we will be blessed with an extra hour on Sunday.

What’s your plan for the extra hour this weekend?

My extra hour will allow me to consider the change in seasons; what I will do to counteract the last year; to get motivated and ensure I make the most of life. I will assess what targets I want to set to get through the impending winter, and how I will work with my coach.

The past 18 months (for those of us that have worked remotely) has meant we have been in a virtual world, staring at screens too much, too often and for too long. There’s no break for the commute to work, the walk to the car/ bus/ train/ workplace. And how often do you have a phone call rather than zoom/ hangouts/ teams?

In lockdown 1 hubby and I lost track of a few evenings – forgetting to stop work at a sensible time, not eating dinner, still in front of our screens until 11.30 pm. We soon realised:

  • Our input is only as good as our rest. We cannot think straight without taking time out.
  • Having a time allows us retune: our bodies, our relationships and what makes us tick.
  • Giving ourselves the gift of time helps us plan what else we can do to get the most out of life.

During summer 2021 the holiday cottage we stayed in had a stopped clock. It was always 4.21 pm. Or am. We didn’t mind. It was fabulous not to clock watch, to enjoy down time.

Since then, I have taken time out regularly – whether it’s 10 minutes to stare at the sky, take a walk around the block or park, to reset my mind. A longer ‘break’ offers a rebalance and chance to reflect on what we’ve achieved to help us focus on what’s next.

Having an extra hour is super precious, please make the most of it. Use the hour to work out how to best utilise your time to get the best results for YOU.

Performance conversations can help you, HRsource holds Meta-Coaching sessions (allowing us to go above and beyond). We are offering two people 4 x 1-2-1 sessions if you answer the following question by midday on 6th November 2021.

If you had an extra hour every week, how would you use it?

Respond in chat or email info@hrsource.co.uk. You will be contacted by 8th November 2021 if you are a chosen one!

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