Thank you from the HR Bitch

Thank you from the HR Bitch
September 24, 2021 Adelaide

How often do you get taken aback by someone?

A few weeks ago, life was slightly more hectic than normal:

Kids moving, needing our removal services. Husband with a painful infection, rendering him unable to assist. A big birthday to move from plan to action. All along with the normal fun and hard work which life brings. We got through it, and thankfully all is well.

One Saturday morning, I was woken by hubby in the early hours, in agony. I called NHS Direct (thank you to the stars who work for the wonderful NHS). By 10am hubby had had an emergency appointment, and a prescription. However, he now wanted something to eat that we didn’t have in the house, so I popped to the shops. Lack of sleep, trickled in with a bit of concern, it was the last thing I felt like doing.

I parked the car and noticed a couple of ladies, dressed smartly, talking to each other in the car park, so smiled as I walked past. A few minutes later, I was heading back to the car empty handed due to lack of stock. I was feeling that much wasn’t right in the world for me that day.

The ladies I’d seen minutes before were walking towards the pathway I was on. Socially distancing, I stood back to let them pass.

Instead of passing, the elder lady, who I assume was Mum, took an extra step towards me and stopped. In a quiet voice, she said, “Thank you for your beautiful smile.”

I responded with. ‘Thank you for saying thank you,” and once she’d continued a few paces, squealed “Smiles are infectious, lets pass it on!”

Seconds later, when sitting in the car, I burst into tears. I was stunned at someone saying thank you for something so natural.

How much does it cost to smile? How much does it cost to say, ‘Thank you’?

Nothing. It costs NOTHING to make a change to someone’s day.

Whoever you are, and wherever you are, I’d like to thank you for smiling back and saying thank you.

Let’s get those smiles spreading… please share!

HRBitch (aka Adelaide) is an HRConsultant, Social Media Addict and HeadNerd at HRsource. Connect with her on Twitter, LinkedIn or via email. Find her other ‘Rants’ here. All views are my own.

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